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The movement

Capoeira arose from a fight for freedom by enslaved Africans in Brazil who had been dehumanised by their captors. The fight for dignity continues today in Brazil and it continues in Palestine where we see the Palestinians suffer from a similar kind of dehumanisation. First through their expulsion from their homes during the Nakba and subsequently living under the apartheid regime of Israel, they have been denied the right to live the full and free lives that they deserve.

Even in the face of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, many Capoeira masters and teachers have remained silent in the face of this oppression. Israeli teachers, some of whom openly support the destruction of Gaza, are still invited to events around the world.

Such tacit approval goes against the spirit of Capoeira which is a tool against oppression, a tool for the dignity of human beings. This art form, a heritage passed on through the centuries, should not be used to legitimise oppression.

What we are doing

At the very the least we can say “no” to capoeira teachers who are condoning and supporting the oppression/murder/genocide of Palestinians. We can say “YES” to capoeira teachers who actively stand in solidarity with the Palestinians cause and who at the very least are willing to create a safe space for conscientious objectors.

Boycotting and divesting is a powerful tactic in the fight towards a more just community. BDS movements were instrumental in the anti-war movement during Vietnam and during the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. Consequently, we are creating this list of teachers and communities where it is safe to at least have open dialogue so that we may all grow.